Grease 3: Threase hits NYC Sept. 30th!
What up my fellow greasers! Some exciting news hitting the web tonight:
Writer Shayna Ferm just wrote us to let us know that she has penned a sequel to the Grease brand in the form of a theatrical presentaion, called: “Grease 3: Threase” opening next Thursday night, September 30th at The People’s Improv Theatre in NYC. Visit the Facebook page for the event details.
This is what writer Shayna Ferm had to say:
“Threase, was a written by myself and my comedy partner Katherine Bryant Flaherty, ….we created a 45-minute-long, 7 musical number, comedy tribute to the worlds of Grease.”
So if you’re in the NYC area and want to see the show, tell em sent ya! Be there or be square!
Grease 3: Threase hits NYC Sept. 30th! Read More »