Grease 3: Threase hits NYC Sept. 30th!

What up my fellow greasers!  Some exciting news hitting the web tonight:

Writer Shayna Ferm just wrote us to let us know that she has penned a sequel to the Grease brand in the form of a theatrical presentaion, called: “Grease 3: Threase” opening next Thursday night, September 30th at The People’s Improv Theatre in NYC. Visit the Facebook page for the event details.

This is what writer Shayna Ferm had to say:

“Threase, was a written by myself and my comedy partner Katherine Bryant Flaherty, ….we created a 45-minute-long, 7 musical number, comedy tribute to the worlds of Grease.”

So if you’re in the NYC area and want to see the show, tell em sent ya! Be there or be square!

Grease 3: Threase hits NYC Sept. 30th! Read More »

New site – New Features!

Hey Greasers!

So you must have noticed the new look, but with this new look comes functionality. Gone are the days of searching for content manually. Today we bring you powered by WordPress. What does that mean for you specifically? It means a bunch of stuff that you hopefully will all appreciate:

  • Get your news delivered as it comes! You can now subscribe to the Grease 2 News and Updates via your RSS reader. Just click the RSS icon in your browser’s “subscribe” icon to get your subscription started. If you aren’t sure what that is, read this article:
  • is now searchable. That means you can search for whatever you want and get a list of results that match!
  • We now have all of our old posts archived, or at least they will be once our team finishes the migration. We are inputting as fast as we can go, so if there is something you can’t seem to find, keep checking back. To access our archives, you can go page by page by clicking the links at the bottom of each news page or you can use the drop-down menu on the right sidebar to choose a date and time in the past.
  • Share with your Social Networks. We have added the share feature for all pages and all News posts. Whether you’re on Twitter, Facebook or any other social network, you can now share the site with the rest of the net!
  • New Features! is proud to have its loyal fanbase and to say thank you, we will be designing a new Yearbook, Photo Gallery, and Multimedia room for your viewing and listening pleasure.
  • Comments are welcome! You may now talkback on any of the News pages.
  • New content added weekly. If there is news, it will be posted here, so check back often or make it easy on yourself and Subscribe to the RSS news feed!Stay tuned!

New site – New Features! Read More »

Grease 2: Live In Concert, February 2011

This is pretty major news greasers!  I just got word from Drew Downing, the Musical Director, that, MCP in Melbourne, Australia will be staging Grease 2: Live In Concert, February 2011.

MCP has adapted Grease 2. to work as an operetta, with additional 1960’s songs used to help narrate the show. Please visit: for more information!

Looks like we might have to take a trip down under, fantastic news!!!

Grease 2: Live In Concert, February 2011 Read More »