Maureen Teefy in “A Subject for a Short Story”

Maureen Teefy in “A Subject for a Short Story”

Greasers! Pink Lady Maureen “Sharon Cooper” Teefy has a one-woman show coming up this Friday & Saturday in Culver City, Los Angeles. Tickets available here.

Show description from Culver City Patch:

“A Subject for a Short Story is an intimate evening with Teefy, who is best-known for her starring roles in such classic films as, “Fame”, “Supergirl” and “Grease 2.” Teefy, one of eight sisters of a large Irish Catholic family, who became a Hollywood star and now, born storyteller, steps onto the stage to reflect on her remarkable life and career. Join Maureen for a night of wit, song and dance, as she tells stories of her personal triumphs, romances and her long career in film and theater.

Tickets for A Subject for a Short Story are currently available at”

Maureen Teefy - A Subject for a Short Story