Highlights from the Grease 2 Sing-along at OUTFEST 2010!
For all of those that weren’t able to attend, just some updates:
Leif (Davey Jaworski) Green attended and we were very fortunate to have spent the evening with him, reminiscing about the film. I pray that Paramount does a new dvd with commentary because Leif has all the stories! One great tidbit he shared was a cut scene, where he pays Michael to do his homework. The line when something like this:
Davey: “Don’t tell anyone.”
Michael: “Why do you have a rep to protect?”
Davey: “How’d you know?”
Oh how we wish that were left in the final cut. Thank you Leif for sharing with us. Classic!
Adrian (Johnny Nogerelli) Zmed sent along the following message for the fans:
“To all you TBirds and Pink ladies ” I think we could all use a little guaranteed (whistle whistle) all the way action” and Johnny hopes you all Score Tonight!”
Pat Birch also had a big thank you for the fans:
“Thanks for choosing Grease 2 for the fest!!!! What a gas! Here’s to
all the cool riders.Have a great time!!!! Best, Pat B.”
And the night was extra special because we were treated to a suprise guest, Melissa Caulfield, who was there representing her father, Maxwell Caulfield. Maxwell you see, is in Europe doing a play with Juliet! Melissa was so nice, so thrilled to be there and told a great story of Maxwell’s audition for the film. Just before he did his reading, the studio decided he needed to look the part, so they went and got him a jacket. Turns out it was John Travolta’s original T’Bird jacket from Grease! And, in the pocket…he found a love note from Danny to Sandy. Can you just die?! How exciting is that!
Melissa brought along her very own Cool Rider, who spent time meeting and greeting all the fans, posing for photos and just being well…..Cool!
We will have a full gallery up as soon as possible. Anyone with shots from the event, that would like to share with the site, hit me up at webmaster@grease2.net
Grease is the word people. 🙂
Highlights from the Grease 2 Sing-along at OUTFEST 2010! Read More »