Grease the Game News & Contest!
Hey Greasers!
505 Games, in conjunction with Paramount Pictures, are releasing a brand new video game based on Grease!
Grease The Game Official Trailer
As a special gift to say thanks to our fanbase, we will be giving away a copy of the new Grease game to the fan who can give us the entire list of cast members who appeared in both Grease and Grease 2. (We had to tie it in somehow right?)
– Name the actor/actress and Character name they played.
– Send your submissions with the subject Grease the Game Contest to, by 8/31/2010 to qulaify.
All submissions will be moderated by our team here at
The first fan to get all the names on our list first, wins a copy of the game! A big thanks to our friends at 505 Games for sponsoring the giveaway! Winner will be announced via email and on the site so make sure to include valid contact information.
Grease the Game hits stores August 24th!
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